
Discover NLIR‘s spectrometers, detectors, and conversion module.
Our products are known for their outstanding speed, sensitivity, and responsivity performance.

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Spectrometer 2.0 - 5.0 μm

➢ Up to 130 kHz readout rate

➢ -80 dBm/nm sensitivity

➢ Down to 5 cm-1 resolution

+ available demo videos


Spectrometer 2.0 - 5.0 μm

➢ Up to 130 kHz readout rate

➢ -80 dBm/nm sensitivity

➢ Down to 5 cm-1 resolution

+ available demo videos

Prototype Spectrometer 7.6 - 12.0 μm

➢ Free-space input

➢ Sensitivities down to 200 pW / nm

➢ Resolution approx. 10 cm -1

Single-Wavelength Detector

➢ Ultra fast, up to 10 GHz electrical bandwidth

➢ Extremely sensitive, down to 10 fW/√Hz

➢ 2.2 – 5.0 μm center wavelength

+ available demo videos.

Thermal IR Light Source

➢ 1.2 – 8.0 µm wavelength range

➢ > 5 mW power in 500 µm fiber

➢ Stability better than +/- 0.5 %

Wavelength Conversion Module

➢ The core of the NLIR technology in your own setup

➢ Convert mid-IR light in the bandwidth 2.0 µm – 5.3 µm to the bandwidth 695 nm – 886 nm

➢ Cut away residual noise

Prototype Spectrometer 7.6 - 12.0 μm

➢ Free-space input

➢ Sensitivities down to 200 pW / nm
➢ Resolution approx. 10 cm -1

Single-Wavelength Detector

➢ Ultra fast, up to 10 GHz electrical bandwidth

➢ Extremely sensitive, down to 10 fW/√Hz
➢ 2.2 – 5.0 μm center wavelength
+ available demo videos

Thermal IR Light Source

➢ 1.2 – 8.0 µm wavelength range

➢ > 5 mW power in 500 µm fiber

➢ Stability better than +/- 0.5 %

➢ Light directly in fiber

Wavelength Conversion Module

➢ The core of the NLIR technology in your own setup 

➢ Convert mid-IR light in the bandwidth 1.9 µm – 5.3 µm to the bandwidth 682 nm – 886 nm

➢ Avoid residual noise

Measurement bundles

➢ A bundle consists of a light source, a sample interface, and a spectrometer

➢ All NLIR bundles are developed for specific measurement situations and all parts are tailored to work together

➢ Experience the advantages of NLIR‘s high-end technology in your sample characterization

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